Documenting United States History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
318 Chapter 13 | A Gilded AGe | Period Six 1865 –1898

delivered.... We do not intend to, and we will not submit to, a combination sub-
versive of our fortunes, our lives, and our property.”

Quoted in The Forum 9 (1889): 716.

praCtiCing historical thinking

Identify: What is the local reaction to the Colored Farmers’ Alliance?
Analyze: What does the final phrase suggest about the motivations of the local
reaction? Is racism the only reason for the protest?
Evaluate: To what extent did journalism act as a way of addressing social problems
during this time period? Consult your textbook and class notes in addition to this

Document 13.9 Las Gorras Blancas, Nuestra Platforma

Between 1889 and 1891, Mexican night riders known as the Las Gorras Blancas (the
White Caps) cut fences and destroyed railroad tracks in an attempt to maintain com-
mon use of the Las Vegas Land Grant Commons around Las Vegas, New Mexico, against
encroachments by white ranchers and the railroad. Las Gorras Blancas explained their
motivations in this manifesto to white ranchers and railroad executives.

Our purpose is to protect the rights and interest of the people in general and
especially those of the helpless classes.
We want the Las Vegas Grant settled to the benefit of all concerned, and this
we hold is the entire community within the Grant.
We want no “land grabbers” or obstructionists of any sort to interfere. We will
watch them.
We are not down on lawyers as a class, but the usual knavery and unfair treat-
ment of the people must be stopped.
Our judiciary hereafter must understand that we will sustain it only when
“Justice” is its watchword.
We are down on race issues, and will watch race agitators.
We favor irrigation enterprises, but will fight any scheme that tends to
monopolize the supply of water sources to the detriment of residents living on
lands watered by the same streams.
The people are suffering from the effects of partisan “bossism” and these
bosses had better quietly hold their peace. The people have been persecuted and
hauled about in every which way to satisfy their caprices.
We must have a free ballot and fair court and the will of the Majority shall be

topiC ii | discontents of the New economy 319

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