Documenting United States History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
TopIc I | reform Impulses 345345


lthough the Gilded Age was an age of economic and technological
progress, it also produced new forms of poverty and social dislocation.
Throughout the last quarter of the nineteenth century, Americans
wrestled with the political and economic legacies of the Industrial
Politically, Americans argued over whether the government had an obliga-
tion to promote or control corporations for the sake of the common good. Immi-
grants and African Americans continued to bear the blame for economic woes
experienced by urban and rural whites who were adversely affected by constantly
shifting economic fortunes.
Throughout this period, reformers and civic leaders debated whether the
people who were destabilized by the Industrial Revolution, including small busi-
nessmen and the working poor, could be better helped through government
intervention or through private philanthropy.

Seeking the Main Point

As you read the documents that follow, keep these broad questions in mind.
These questions will help you understand the relationship between the doc-
uments in this chapter and the historical changes that they represent. As you
reflect on these questions, determine which themes and which documents best
address them.

In what ways did debates about extending civil rights manifest themselves
during this time period?

How did industrialization shape beliefs about progress and the future of the
United States as seen in the documents in this chapter?

Compare the various challenges to the status quo that are presented in
this chapter.

344 chapTeR 15 | New Ideas aNd Old Ideas | period six 1865 –1898

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