Documenting United States History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
TopIc I | reform Impulses 355

pRacTIcIng historical Thinking

Identify: Summarize DeLeon’s advice to the strikers.
Analyze: Why does DeLeon draw a contrast between politics and religion? Why
does he draw a connection between politics and wages?
Evaluate: To what extent is DeLeon’s argument the opposite of Andrew Carnegie’s
argument (Doc. 13.6)? Explain your response.

applyIng ap® historical Thinking Skills

sKill review Periodization and historical argumentation

All of the documents in this chapter are from the same time period, sometimes called the
Gilded Age. Name and justify three events that could qualify as the turning points that
began the Gilded Age. In what ways do at least three of the documents above reflect each
of the turning points that you chose? Refer to your textbook and class notes for outside
information, as well as chapters 13 and 14, as needed.

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