Documenting United States History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
378 Chapter 16 | prosperity and reform | period seven 1890 –1945

praCtICING historical thinking

Identify: Does Fusco’s testimony contradict the goals of the New Deal? Explain.
Analyze: According to Fusco, how should the government respond in economi-
cally difficult times?
Evaluate: To what extent does Fusco’s testimony illustrate Lincoln Steffens’s con-
cerns (Doc. 16.5)—that the relationship between business and government is
self-serving and that the working class suffers as a result?

appLYING ap® historical thinking Skills

sKill review Patterns of Continuity and Change over time

Answer the following prompt in a complete essay:

Trace the problems described by reformers in the early part of the twentieth century
and the extent to which the New Deal solved them. Consult the documents above,
your textbook, and your class notes to answer this question.

steP 1 Determine patterns
What problems do reformers describe in the early twentieth century?

reformer problem addressed

Doc. 16.5, Lincoln Steffens Business too closely aligned with politics

Doc. 16.6, Upton Sinclair Industry operators exploit workers

Doc. 16.7, Ida M. Tarbell Anxieties for modern women

What patterns do you see? What changes do you see?

steP 2 Connect these patterns
When you connect these patterns to New Deal legislation, consider the following questions:

How well did the New Deal address the relationship between business and politics?
How well did the New Deal address unlawful or abusive industry operators?
How well did the New Deal respond to anxieties of modern women?

steP 3 Consult your textbook and class notes

steP 4 Write your essay

putting it all together 379

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