Documenting United States History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


AP® Ke y
concePts PAge

Topic I: The origins of the Cold war

19.1 Harry S. Truman, On Atomic Technology 8.1 I B 429

19.2 George F. Kennan, The Long Telegram 8.1 I B, C 430

19.3 Harry S. Truman, On Greece and Turkey 8.1 A, B, C 432

19.4 John N. Wheeler, Letter Home from Korean War 8.1 I C, 8.1 III B 433

19.5 Central Intelligence Agency, A Study of Assassination 8.1 II B 434

19.6 Pete Seeger, Testimony before the House Un-American
Activities Committee

8.1 III A 435

19.7 Dwight D. Eisenhower, Farewell Address 8.1 III C 437

19.8 Nikita Khrushchev, Diplomatic Cable to Fidel Castro 8.1 II B 438

19.9 “The Commune Comes to America,” Life 8.3 III B 439

19.10 Jimmy Carter, Inaugural Address 8.1 II A, C 440

Applying AP® Historical Thinking Skills
Skill Review: Contextualization and Interpretation

Thinking Skill 2.5,
Thinking Skill 4.8


Containment and Conflict

Chapter 19

P e r i oD


1945 –1980

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