Documenting United States History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

444 ChApTEr 19 | Containment and ConfliCt | period eight 1945 –198 0

Putting it All together

revisiting the Main Point

Analyze the effects of the Second World War and the Cold War on Ameri-
cans’ sense of themselves as an “isolated” nation.

To what extent did the Second World War and the Cold War shape Ameri-
can debates about civil liberties?

Organizing Themes in Historical arguments

Sophisticated historical arguments apply historical thinking skills to your argu-
ment, through a discussion of broader themes.
Consider the following prompt:

To what extent did the Second World War and the Cold War shape
American debates about civil liberties?

steP 1 Understand the prompt, and identify the key words

Answering this question requires you to look at American ideas, beliefs, and
cultures as a product of distinct moments in American history. Unlike Chap-
ter 18, which assessed a relationship between distinct entities (seminal doc-
uments in history), this prompt examines the relationship between distinct
events and “American debates.”
Assessing a debate may take the following approaches:

Examining the pros and cons of civil liberties

Evaluating directions as healthy or harmful (understanding implications, from
Chapter 18)

Determining new defifnitions about civil liberties

Several historical thinking skills are available to you as you develop this
response, including the following:

Causation and historical evidence

Contextualization (noting how the Second World War and Cold War reflected
the mind-set of America)

Comparison (examining how distinct events produce complex results)

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writing sKills

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