Documenting United States History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
446 ChApTEr 19 | Containment and ConfliCt | period eight 19 45 –198 0

Synthesis (understanding how a particular theme—in this case, ideas, be-
liefs, and culture—reflects a combination of disparate events, perspectives,
and documents)

This prompt also allows for a creative interplay of distinct historical themes.
The theme of ideas, beliefs, and culture also permits a discussion of other themes,
including peopling, identity, and even work, exchange, and technology. Earlier
chapters featured the primary documents in the service of historical thinking
skills, but now you may paint broader strokes by using historical thinking skills
in the service of broader themes.

steP 2 Generate a working thesis

steP 3 Identify and organize your evidence

steP 4 Outline your response

Thus, one outline for this prompt suggests this organization:


I. Historical theme 1 (such as ideas, beliefs, and culture)

A. Second World War and Cold War

B. Influence on theme

  1. Primary documents and historical evidence in support

II. Historical theme 2 (such as identity)

A. Second World War and Cold War

B. Influence on theme

  1. Primary documents and historical evidence in support


As the essay continues, you should evaluate the relationship between themes.
One theme may be subordinate to another, or a theme may contribute to the
development of another. For example, the theme of Americans ideas, beliefs, and
culture (which includes a discussion of civil liberties) may at its core be directly
related to the theme of America’s identity.

steP 5 Write the essay

Remember that the use of primary documents and historical evidence occupies a
distinct place in your essay.

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