Documenting United States History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

468 ChApTEr 20 | the BreaKDoWn oF ConsensUs | period eight 1945 –198 0 TopIC^ II^ |^ the shattering Consensus^469469

  1. Identify Jones’s main point in the first interpretation. Which documents in this chapter
    best support Jones’s argument in his passage above? Explain your answer.

  2. Identify Carter’s main point in the second interpretation. Which documents in this
    chapter best support his argument in their passage above? Explain your answer.

  3. Finally, which of these interpretations analyzes the civil rights movements as a series of
    causes and effects? Which of these interpretations analyzes the civil rights movements
    as a product of a broader context? How do these respective “lenses” shape the argu-
    ments in each interpretation?

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