Documenting United States History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

480 ChaPTer 21 | DisContinuities | period eight 1945 –198 0

PraCTICIng historical Thinking

Identify: What is Hoffman’s claim about stealing?
Analyze: Is Hoffman’s intended audience the same or different from Rachel Car-
son’s (Doc. 21.5)? Explain.
Evaluate: How does Hoffman’s argument reflect both antiwar sentiments about the
United States military involvement in Vietnam and emerging technologies in the
second half of the twentieth century?

Document 21.7 goVernor’S inVeSTigaTing CoMMiTTee on
ProbLeMS oF WiSConSin’S SPaniSh-SPeaking
CoMMuniTieS, report to the governor

After the passage of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, immigration from Latin
America and Asia grew rapidly. These new immigrants faced a nation that had largely
closed itself to mass immigration since the 1920s. The excerpt below portrays the extent
to which immigration had become an issue even for states that had not faced issues of
immigration since the early twentieth century.

Task Force recommendaTions


  1. The Area Technical Colleges should employ teacher aides to assist teachers
    conducting English and Adult Basic Education classes for Latins. The colleges
    should recruit Latins to serve on the faculty and to become advisers to Latin
    students enrolled in other curricula. These actions should be taken in areas with
    Latin populations such as Milwaukee, Waukesha, Racine, Kenosha, etc.
    2. The Area Technical Colleges should provide realistic scholarships for low
    income Latins interested in vocational education and should intensify efforts
    to recruit Latins for promising occupations identified by the Wisconsin State
    Employment Service.
    3. The Milwaukee School District and school districts near Latin population
    centers should hire more professional, technical and paraprofessional personnel of
    Latin ancestry in elementary and secondary schools to help serve the Latin children.
    4. Transition centers should be developed by the Milwaukee School District
    and school districts near Latin population centers to help children of newly set-
    tled migrant families to make an orderly transition into the school districts. The
    transition centers should employ bilingual personnel to help the children learn
    English and to evaluate the educational ability of the children. Tests should be
    reevaluated to determine if they are relevant.

ToPIC I | Conflicting postwar Visions 481

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