Documenting United States History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
482 ChaPTer 21 | DisContinuities | period eight 194 5 –198 0

PraCTICIng historical Thinking

Identify: List the recommendations that the investigating committee made to
improve the conditions of immigrants who were living in Wisconsin.
Analyze: How do the committee’s recommendations reflect the values that the
state placed on education as an assimilating agent for immigrants?
Evaluate: To what extent do this committee’s recommendations represent a depar-
ture from attitudes toward immigrants before World War II?

  1. The University of Wisconsin, the Wisconsin State University system and
    the University Extension system should intensify recruiting efforts and increase
    scholarships for Latins interested in enrolling at the various campuses.

  2. The State Motor Vehicle Division should have its driver’s manual translated
    into Spanish for Latins with limited English background and should modify its
    driver’s license examination so Latins are required to know only essential English
    words needed to drive safely, such as words on highway signs.

Wisconsin Historical Society, Report to the Governor: Governor’s Investigating Commit-
tee on Problems of Wisconsin’s Spanish-Speaking Communities, 1971, 9, http://content

Document 21.8 PhyLLiS SChLaFLy, interview with the
Washington Star

Phyllis Schlafly (b. 1924), lawyer and conservative activist, led the movement against add-
ing the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) to the US Constitution. The ERA would have
guaranteed civil rights to all citizens regardless of gender. In the interview below with a
reporter for the Washington Star, Schlafly presents her critique of the ERA.

Q: Do you think that women would be as well off today were it not for the
women’s movement?

Schlafly: I certainly do. There were more women in Congress prior to the
women’s movement than there are today.

Q: Well, haven’t there been a lot of other gains, though? There are many more
women working today and a lot of them are getting better salaries too.

Schlafly: And a lot of them who are working would prefer to be in the home.
They are working for economic reasons.

Q: But if they have to work then it’s important that they make as much money as
they can, at least as much as men, for what they are doing.

ToPIC I | Conflicting postwar Visions 483

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