Documenting United States History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

484 ChaPTer 21 | DisContinuities | period eight 1945 –198 0

Putting it All together

revisiting the Main Point

To what extent were cultural and economic changes in this era a product of
widespread demographic changes?

Analyze whether government policies were a driving force in cultural and
social changes between 1945 and 1965. Were other factors more influential?

How did technological and demographic changes shape society, the econ-
omy, and the environment?

To what extent were the years 1945 to 1989 a period of relative conformity?
To what extent was it an era for rebellion? How did both conformity and
rebellion shape each other during these years?

incorporating Secondary Sources into
historical argument

Up to this point, creating your historical arguments has depended on your inter-
pretations of primary documents. Although some secondary sources have been
featured in these chapters, the majority of the prompts have invited a study of
historical thinking skills with historical themes.
Bringing in secondary sources can enhance your overall argument as long as
your argument remains central to the task. The secondary source—which is some-
one else’s interpretation—may serve as the linchpin to your overall argument.
Your argument becomes a larger conversation where your own interpretation
joins with another’s interpretation. When you use secondary sources for your
own historical argument, keep in mind these four guiding principles:

  1. How does your own argument validate another interpretation?

  2. How does another interpretation challenge your own argument?

  3. How might different interpretations arise through a different combination of
    primary sources?

  4. How might secondary sources compare with each other for a new insight?

buil Ding AP®
writing sKills

putting it all together 485

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