Documenting United States History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Seeking the Main point 491491


he United States entered the twenty-first century in the midst of eco-
nomic prosperity and peace. Drawing lessons from the collapse of the
Soviet Union, the United States celebrated the Cold War policies that
supported containment and encouraged capitalism around the world to
bring an end to what Ronald Reagan called an “evil empire.”
In hindsight, some Americans called the election of Ronald Reagan to the
presidency in 1980 the beginning of the “Reagan revolution.” Although there is
debate over the meaning of this phrase, most historians agree that Reagan’s elec-
tion represented a shift in American political rhetoric and policy. It seemed that
the liberal project that began with Franklin Delano Roosevelt and reached its high
tide with the Great Society programs of Lyndon B. Johnson had come to an end.
Reagan’s election represented the political maturity of two divergent social
movements that began in the early 1960s—the New Right and the New Left. In


AP® Ke y
concePts PAge

Topic II: An End to History’s End

22.10 George W. Bush, Presidential Nomination
Acceptance Speech

9.1 II B 504

22.11 Office of the President, Proposal to Create the
Department of Homeland Security

9.2 II B 506

22.12 George W. Bush, On Iraq 9.2 II A 507

22.13 George W. Bush, On Social Security Reform 9.3 I B 508

22.14 United Nations, Kyoto Protocol on Emissions 9.3 I C 509

22.15 Border Fence with Mexico 9.3 II A, B 510

22.16 Barack Obama, Address to Congress on
Health Care

9.3 I B 511

22.17 Barack Obama, Speech on the Middle East 9.3 I C 512

22.18 Sam Schlinkert, “Facebook Is Invading Your
Phone,” The Daily Beast

9.3 I D 514

22.19 Jennifer Medina, “New Suburban Dream Born of
Asia and Southern California,” New York Times

9.3 II A, B 515

Applying AP® Historical Thinking Skills
Skill Review: Periodization and Comparison

Thinking Skill 1.3,
Thinking Skill 2.4


490 CHApTEr 2 2 | a ConSerVatiVe tenor | period nine 1980 to the present

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