Documenting United States History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Letters in parenthesis following
pages refer to:
(i) illustrations, including
(m) map

Abolition. See also Emancipation;
Slaves and slavery
13th, 14th, 15th
Amendments, and, 276
in Haiti, 136–137
newspapers and, 180
in Pennsylvania, 133
Walker, David, on, 179
Absolute monarchy, Mayhew
on, 119
“Account of the Boston Tea
Party” (Massachusetts
Gazette, 1773), 95–96
“Account of the Stono Rebellion”
(Cato, 1739), 47
Acoma pueblo, revolt at, 15–16
Adams, Abigail
“Letter to John Adams”
(1776), 121–122
“Letter to John Quincy
Adams” (1780), 123–124
Adams, John
Abigail Adams letter to
(1776), 121–122
Boston Massacre and, 94–95
Adams, John Quincy, Abigail
Adams letter to, 123–124
Addams, Jane
anti-imperialism of, 409
Twenty Years at Hull House
(1900), 335
“Address and Reasons of
Dissent of the Minority
of the Convention of
Pennsylvania to Their

Constituents, The” (1787),
“Address at Mason Temple,
Memphis” (King, 1968),
“Address on Health Care
Reform” (Bill Clinton,
1993), 498–499
“Address to Congress on
Health Care” (Obama,
2011), 511–512
“Address to the First
Conservative Political
Action Conference”
(Reagan, 1974), 466–467
“Address to the Southern
States” (Calhoun, 1831),
“Advertisement of a South
Carolina Slave Dealer”
(Griggs, 1835), 195, 195 (i)
Affluence, jet travel and, 476–477,
477 (i)
Afonso I (Mbemba a Nzinga,
Kongo), “Letter to John
III, King of Portugal”
(1526), 17–18
Africa, British Royal African
Company and, 61–62
African Americans. See also Civil
rights movement; Slaves
and slavery
in 1870s, 295–296
Black Panthers and, 460
Civil War, Reconstruction,
and, 305–306
communism, HUAC, and,
Dred Scott decision and, 261
emancipation of, 276, 278–
279, 281–282
feminism and, 487–488

Harlem Renaissance and, 382
after independence, 117
picketing during First World
War by, 398, 399 (i)
Reconstruction and, 305
rights of, 448
as sharecroppers, 296–298
Walker, David, and, 179
as slaves, 3, 28, 46
in transatlantic world, 58
Agriculture, sharecroppers in,
AIDS, New Right and, 521
Air pollution, “Kyoto Protocol
on Emissions” (United
Nations, 2008), 509–510
Alcatraz, Native American
occupation of (1970), 465
Alcohol, temperance and, 178
Algonquin peoples, 103
for economic and political
rights (late 19th century),
entangling, 102–107
U.S.-France (1778), 102
Allies, after Second World War,
428, 429
al Qaeda, 513. See also September
11, 2001, terrorist attacks
Thirteenth, 276
Fourteenth, 276, 295
Fifteenth, 276, 295
America(s). See also Western
Hemisphere; specific
debating identity of, 178–187
American Indian Movement, “20
Point Proposal” (1972),


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