Documenting United States History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

528 Index Index 529

Berlin Wall, Reagan speech at
(1987), 495
Berryman, Clifford K.
“Dr. New Deal” (1934), 373,
374 (i)
“Old Reliable” (c. 1938), 376,
376 (i)
Bicycles, 385, 385 (i)
Biddle, Nicholas, 203–204, 203 (i)
Big business, 362
Bin Laden, Osama, 513
Birth-control movement, 453
Black-or-white fallacy, 188
Black Panthers, 460
Black Power, 460
Blair, William, 299
Blanco, Ramón, 408
Body paragraphs, 53–54
Bolshevik Revolution (1917),
“Border Fence with Mexico”
(2009), 510, 510 (i)
with Canada, 223
with Mexico, 510, 510 (i)
“Bosses of the Senate” (Keppler,
Puck, 1889), 311 (i)
Boston Independent Chronicle,
“Political Cartoon on
Virginia’s Ratification of
the Constitution” (1788),
131 (i)
Boston Manufacturing Company,
Boston Massacre (1770), 93–94
Boston Tea Party (1773), 95–96
“Boychik Up-to-Date, A” (Gilrod
and Meyrowitz, 1900),
364, 365 (i)
Boycotts, of British goods, 95
Bradford, William, 31
Brainstorming, 23, 52–53, 112,
143, 164, 189, 210
Breen, T. H., 167
Brief Account of the Destruction
of the Indies (Las Casas,
1542), 13
Britain. See England (Britain)
British empire
challenges to, 88–97
North American control
by, 86
Brodhead, Daniel, “Letter
to General George
Washington on an

American Expedition
into Pro-British Iroquois
Territory” (1779), 103
Brooklyn Daily Eagle, “On the
Treaty” (1842), 223
Brown, H. Rap, “Speech at Free
Huey Rally” (1968), 460
Brown v. Board of Education
decision, 450
Bryan, William Jennings, vs.
Darrow, 386–388
Bull (papal), 12
Bush, George W., 491
“On Iraq” (2003), 507
“On Social Security Reform”
(2005), 508–509
“Presidential Nomination
Acceptance Speech”
(2000), 504–505
big business as, 362
Progressives on, 368–370
Business of Being a Woman, The
(Tarbell, 1921), 372–373

Cabinet (presidential), of
Washington, 86
Calhoun, John C., 202
“Address to the Southern
States” (1831), 172–173
“Clay Compromise Measures,
The” (1850), 253
“Slavery a Positive Good”
(1837), 181–182
“South Carolina Exposition
and Protest” (1828), 202
immigration and
demographics of,
Orange County conservatism
and, 484
“Call for Black Troops” (1863),
288 (i)
Calvinists, 83
“Campaign Poster” (Johnson,
1964), 459 (i)
border with, 223
Cartier in, 18–19
native peoples of, 30
Treaty of Utrecht and, 66
Capitalism, after Cold War, 490,

Carey, Mathew, “Letter to
Mathew Carey”
(Madison, 1831), 173–174
Caribbean region, Barbados map
in, 44 (m)
Carmichael, Stokely, 460
Carnegie, Andrew
Autobiography of Andrew
Carnegie (1920),
“Gospel of Wealth, The”
(1889), 313–314
Caroline affair, 223
Carpetbaggers, 294, 294 (i)
Carson, Rachel, Silent Spring
(1962), 479
Carter, Gregg Lee, 468
Carter, Jimmy
“Inaugural Address” (1977),
“On a ‘Crisis of Confidence’”
(1979), 492–493
Cartier, Jacques, “Voyage to the
St. Lawrence” (1534),
anti-Jefferson, 107 (i)
on Virginia’s ratification of
the Constitution, 131 (i)
Caste system, in colonies, 28
Castro, Fidel, Khrushchev and,
Categorical outline, 53–54, 78
Categories, 23, 24, 53, 81, 111–
112, 164, 186, 187, 190,
210, 211
Catholicism, Paul III papal bull
and, 12
Cato, George, “Account of the
Stono Rebellion” (1739),
Causation, 21, 33, 49–50, 51,
67, 79, 80, 108–110, 111,
153, 162–166, 220–221,
226–228, 292–293, 301,
323, 410, 411, 422, 445,
458, 468, 483–484
“Cause of the Rebellion, The”
(Taylor), 269 (i)
Central America, societies of, 3
Central Intelligence Agency
(CIA), “Study of
Assassination, A” (1953),
Chafe, William H., 487–488

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