Documenting United States History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

532 Index Index 533

in Great Depression, 373,
374 (i)
industrialization and, 362
in Jamestown, 31
Market Revolution and,
Navigation Acts and, 60
of post–Civil War South, 310
protests in 1760s, 116
Pullman strike and, 363–364
recession of 1882–1885 in, 316
“Educating the Indians” (Frank
Leslie’s Illustrated
Newspaper, 1884), 331,
331 (i)
Education, in English for Latin
Americans, 481–482
Edwards, Jonathan, 73
“Sinners in the Hands of
an Angry God” (1741),
Edwardsville, Illinois, Lincoln
speech at, 262–263
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
“Farewell Address” (1961),
“On Earl Warren and the
Brown Decision” (1954),
Either/or (black or white) fallacy,
142–144, 188, 210, 248,
of 1828, 194, 194 (i)
of 1844, 224–225, 237
of 1856, 260
of 1860, 252, 266–268
of 1872, 296, 296 (i), 346
of 1892, 322
of 1916, 412
of 1932, 373
of 1964, 448, 459 (i)
of 1976, 440
of 1980, 490
of 1984, 494
of 1994, 499
of 2000, 491, 504–505
“Election Ticket: Agriculture,
Trade, Manufactures”
(1828), 194, 194 (i)
Electricity, streetcars and, 384,
384 (i)
El Lienza de Tlaxcala, 8 (i), 9 (i)
Emancipation, 276–286, 284 (i),

“Emancipation of the
Negroes, January, 1863–
The Past and the Future”
(Nast, Harper’s Weekly,
1863), 284 (i)
“Emancipation of the Slaves
by the Confederate
Government” (Charleston
Mercury, 1864), 290–291
Emancipation Proclamation,
about, 276, 283–284
“Emancipation Proclamation”
(Lincoln, 1862),
document, 281–282
in Atlantic region, 85–107
in British North America, 58,
challenges to, 88–97
colonial conflicts among, 86
mercantilism and, 60
strengthening, 60–67
Employment, advertisements for,
366, 367 (i)
Encomienda system, 12, 13
“End of History, The?”
(Fukuyama, 1989),
England (Britain)
Barbados colony of, 44
after French and Indian War,
88 (i), 89 (i)
Jamestown settlement and, 31
North American settlement
by, 28–29
Royal African Company in,
slavery in colonies of, 44–50
“Testimony in the Trial of
the British Soldiers of the
Nineteenth Regiment of
Foot” (1770), 93–95
Virginia Colony and, 19–20
wars with France, 86
English language, Latin
American immigrant
education in, 481–482
Enlightenment, 58
Declaration of Independence
and, 122
Locke and, 118
natural rights theories and, 116
“Enslaved Africans to the
Western Hemisphere”
(1450–1900), 46

Entangling alliances, 102–107
“Kyoto Protocol on
Emissions” (United
Nations, 2008), 509–510
in New Mexico, 5
urban, 335–339, 363–368
Environmentalism, Rachel
Carson and, 479
Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission, 455
Equal rights, 170
culture and, 236
Equal Rights Amendment
(ERA), “Interview with
the Washington Star”
(Schlafly, 1976) and,
Ericson, David, interpretation
of nullification crisis
(1830s), 176
“Espionage Act” (1917), 393,
395, 397
Ethnicity, cultural integration
and, 236
Native North America
conquered by, 34–43
transatlantic conquests by,
in Americas, 2–3
Native Americans and, 26
secondary sources on, 26
in transatlantic world, 58
Evaluation, 5, 188, 472
Events, 52
Evidence, 483–484
appropriate use of, 98–101,
139–141, 157, 161,
226–228, 245–246, 401
in argument, 142–144
claims supported by, 10, 11,
evaluating, 379–380
explicit, 206
implicit, 206
knowledge beyond
documents as, 23
in linear argument, 162–166
for new perspective/point of
view, 188
organizing, 25, 112–113, 210,
285–286, 333–334
qualifying, 286, 302

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