Documenting United States History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
538 Index Index 539

“Kyoto Protocol on Emissions”
(United Nations, 2008),

L ab or. See also Strikes
African Americans picketers
and, 398, 399 (i)
Chinese, 348–349
in colonies, 28–29
Loom and Spindle: or, Life
among the Early Mill
Girls (Robinson, 1898),
native slaves as, 12
“Report on the Chicago
Strike” (United States
Strike Commission,
1894), 363–364
slave trade and, 3
“What Means This Strike?”
(Deleon, 1898), 354–355
Labor unions
radicalism in, 442–444
United Farm Workers union
(UFW), 456
La Causa, 457
La Fayette, Marquis de, 105
LaFollette, Robert M., “Danger
Threatening Representative
Government, The” (1897),
Lakota peoples, 330
in Dawes Allotment Act, 332
speculation in, 220
Larkin, “Jim,” 397–398
Las Casas, Bartolomé de, Brief
Account of the Destruction
of the Indies (1542), 13
Las Gorras Blancas, Nuestra
Platforma (1890),
Lassiter, Matthew D., 521
Las Vegas Land Grand
Commons, 318–319
Latin America, CIA and, 434
Latin Americans
in barrios, 468
feminism and, 487
“Report to the Governor”
(Governor’s Investigating
Committee on Problems
of Wisconsin’s Spanish-
Speaking Communities,
1971), 481–482

rights of, 448
in South, 516
League of Nations, Wilson and,
Lee, Robert E., 287
Lee, Russell, “Japanese American
Child on the Way to
Internment” (1942),
416 (i)
Leisler, Jacob, and Leisler’s
Rebellion, 69–70
Leisure, bicycles for, 385, 385 (i)
“Letter from a Farmer
in Pennsylvania”
(Dickinson, 1767), 92–93
“Letter from a Gentleman
of the City of New York
on Leisler’s Rebellion”
(1689), 69–70
“Letter from His Fourth
Voyage” (Columbus,
1503), 7
“Letter on Jamestown
Settlement” (Rolfe, 1618),
“Letter Regarding Attacks
of Paxton Boys on
Conestogo Indians in
Lancaster, Pennsylvania”
(Henry, 1763), 148
“Letter to Ann and Alfred
Corn” (White, 1969),
“Letter to Don Luis de Valdés”
(Philip IV, 1647), 36
“Letter to Father Palóu
Regarding the Founding
of Mission San Diego
de Alcala in California”
(Serra, 1769), 150–151
“Letter to General George
Washington on an
American Expedition
into Pro-British Iroquois
Territory” (Brodhead,
1779), 102, 103
“Letter to Horace Greeley”
(Lincoln, 1862),
“Letter to James Monroe”
(Jefferson, 1795), 106
“Letter to John III, King
of Portugal” (Afonso I,
1526), 17–18

“Letter to John Adams”
(Abigail Adams, 1776),
“Letter to John Quincy
Adams” (Abigail Adams,
1780), 123–124
“Letter to Mathew Carey”
(Madison, 1831),
“Letter to Philip Mazzei”
(Jefferson, 1796), 159
“Letter to Queen Anne”
(Oliver, 65), 65
“Letter to the Directory”
(L’Ouverture, 1797),
“Letter to Thomas Pinckney”
(Jefferson, 1793), 105
Levittown, housing and, 475,
475 (i)
Liberalism, end of, 490
Liberator, The (Garrison, 1831),
Liberty, debate over,
Library of Congress, on “General
Jackson Slaying the
Many Headed Monster,”
203–204, 203 (i)
Licht, Walter, 358
Life magazine, “Commune
Comes to America, The”
(1969), 439, 440 (i)
Ligon, Richard, “Map of
Barbados” (1657), 44,
44 (m)
Lincoln, Abraham
constitutional government
and, 252
Emancipation Proclamation
(1862) and, 276, 281–282
“First Inaugural Address”
(1861), 267–268
“Gettysburg Address” (1863),
Grant on, 287
Homestead Act of 1862 and,
“Letter to Horace Greeley”
(1862), 279–280
Senate campaign by, 262
“Speech at Edwardsville,
Illinois” (1858), 262–263
“Spot Resolutions” (1847),

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