Documenting United States History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

548 Index Index 549

in primary documents,
Voltaire, Declaration of the
Rights of Man and, 135
Voting and voting rights
15th Amendment and, 276
in Georgia, 124–125
for women, 345, 346–347
“Voyage to the St. Lawrence”
(Cartier, 1534), 18–19

Wa g e s
of African Americans,
at Pullman Palace Car
Company, 363–364
Walker, David, “Walker’s
Appeal... to the Coloured
Citizens of the World”
(1830), 179
Walker, Freeman, on Missouri
Compromise, 216
Wallace George, 460
Walsh, Mike, “Meeting:
Democratic Mechanics
and Working Men of New
York” (1842), 197
Wampanoag Confederacy, 37
Wampanoag Indians, conversion
to Christianity, 40–41
“War Message” (Polk, 1846),
“War on Terror,” 507
Warren, Earl, 450
Wars and warfare. See also
Revolts and rebellions;
specific battles and wars
French-British, 86
in name of democracy,
Washington, Forrester B., “Study
of Negro Employees of
Apartment Houses in
New York City, A” (1916),
Washington, George
Battle of Fallen Timbers and,
expansion under, 86
Indians and, 103
National Bank and, 107 (i)
Treaty of Paris (1783) and, 104
Watergate scandal, 440–441
Weapons of terror, Bush, George
W., on, 507

Weatherman Underground,
“Communiqué No. 1”
(1970), 464
Weaver, James B., 322
Webster-Ashburton Treaty
(1842), 223, 229–230
Weld, Isaac, “Travels throughout
the States of North
America” (1797), 160
Welfare state, 362
“We Shall Overcome” (Chavez,
1965), 456–457
West. See also Expansionism;
Manifest Destiny
conquest of, 237–246
immigration in, 339
Native Americans in,
West, Elliott, 305–306
West Africa, slave trade in, 3,
Western Hemisphere. See also
specific locations
Columbus’ discovery of, 2
enslaved Africans to, 46
as New World, 2
Western Reserve, 103
Westward movement
as national policy, 146
after Revolution, 86
“What Means This Strike?”
(Deleon, 1898), 354–355
“What to Do with the Slaves
When Emancipated”
(New York Herald, 1862),
Wheatley, Phillis, “On Being
Brought from Africa to
America” (1770), 120
Whig Party, 238
White, Edmund, “Letter to Ann
and Alfred Corn” (1969),
Whitefield, George, “Marks of a
True Conversion” (1739),
Whitney, Eli, “Petition for
Renewal of Patent on
Cotton Gin” (1812),
Wilentz, Sean, 233
Wilmot Proviso, 225, 225 (i)
Wilson, Woodrow, 406
“On the League of Nations”
(1919), 413–414

“Remarks to the Senate”
(1917), 412–413
Winthrop, John, 71
“Model of Christian Charity,
A” (1630), 32–33
Winthrop, John IV, “Image of
John Winthrop IV”
(1773), 71, 71 (i)
LaFollette in, 352
“Report to the Governor”
(Governor’s Investigating
Committee on Problems
of Wisconsin’s Spanish-
Speaking Communities,
1971), 481–482
Woman’s Rights Convention
(Seneca Falls, 1848),
Woman suffrage
opposition to, 345
support for, 346–347
Wo m e n
civil rights movement and,
employment-hunting by, 366,
367 (i)
feminist movement and,
independence and, 117,
political culture of, 425
rights for, 184–185
Schlafly and, 482–483
in Second World War, 416,
417 (i)
Tarbell and, 372–373
Women of Lorain County,
“Petition against Woman
Suffrage” (1870), 345
Worcester v. Georgia (Marshall,
1832), 174–175
Wo r k e r s
in 20th century, 425–426
factory girls in textile mills as,
industrial economy and,
Loom and Spindle: or, Life
among the Early Mill
Girls (Robinson, 1898),
political machines and, 197
Working thesis, 24, 80, 143–144,

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