The Civil Rights Movement Revised Edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Documents 155

White institutions created it, white institutions maintain it, and white soci-
ety condones it....
It is time to make good the promises of American democracy to all citizens

  • urban and rural, black and white, Spanish-surname, American Indian, and
    every minority group....

Source: Report of the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders, March 1, 1968
(Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1968), pp. 1–2, 5, 225 – 6.


Huey Newton and Bobby Seale founded the Black Panther Party as a militant
community-based organization to deal with the problems in northern ghettoes.

We had seen Watts rise up the previous year. We had seen how the police
attacked the Watts community after causing the trouble in the first place. We
had seen Martin Luther King come to Watts in an effort to calm the people,
and we had seen his philosophy of nonviolence rejected. Black people had
been taught nonviolence; it was deep in us. What good, however, was non-
violence when the police were determined to rule by force?...We had seen
all this, and we recognized that the rising consciousness of Black people was
almost at the point of explosion....
Out of this need sprang the Black Panther Party. Bobby [Seale] and I
finally had no choice but to form an organization that would involve the
lower-class brothers....

  1. We want freedom. We want power to determine the destiny of our
    Black Community....

  2. We want full employment for our people....

  3. We want an end to the robbery by the capitalists of our Black

  4. We want decent housing, fit for shelter of human beings....

  5. We want education for our people that exposes the true nature of this
    decadent American Society. We want education that teaches us our true
    history and our role in present-day society....

  6. We want all Black men to be exempt from military service....

  7. We want an immediate end to POLICE BRUTALITY and MURDER of
    Black people....

  8. We want freedom for all Black men held in federal, state, county and
    city prisons and jails....

  9. We want all Black people when brought to trial to be tried in court by
    a jury of their peer group or people from their Black communities, as
    defined by the Constitution of the United States....

Document 18
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