The Civil Rights Movement Revised Edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Who’s Who

Abernathy, Ralph(1926 –90): Martin Luther King Jr.’s trusted lieutenant.
Baker, Ella(1903– 86): NAACP activist and SCLC’s first executive director
who urged the founding of SNCC.
Baldwin, James (1924 –87): Expatriate writer who warned of racial
conflagration if the civil rights movement failed.
Barnett, Ross(1898 –1987): Mississippi governor who temporarily blocked
James Meredith from entering the University of Mississippi.
Bates, Daisy(1914 –99): Arkansas NAACP president who helped black stu-
dents desegregate Central High School in Little Rock.
Beckwith, Byron de la(1920 –2001): Murdered Mississippi NAACP leader
Medgar Evers.
Belafonte, Harry(1927– ): Singer and civil rights fund-raiser.
Bevel, James(1936– ): Nashville sit-in demonstrator and SCLC organizer of
the Birmingham and Selma demonstrations.
Bond, Julian(1940– ): SNCC co-founder and communications director.
Bowers, Sam(1924 –2006): Mississippi KKK leader who ordered the mur-
der of blacks.
Boynton, Amelia(1910– ): Local leader of the Selma campaign.
Bridges, Ruby(1955– ): Integrated New Orleans public schools.
Brown, H. ‘Rap’(1943 – ): SNCC national director who coined the phrase
‘burn, baby, burn’ when race riots erupted in the mid-1960s.
Byrd, Harry, Sr.(1887–1966): US senator from Virginia who urged Massive
Resistance to Brown.

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