The Civil Rights Movement Revised Edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Carmichael, Stokely(1941–98): Organizer of voter registration projects in
Mississippi and Lowndes county, Alabama; charismatic SNCC chairman who
popularized the term ‘black power.’
Chambliss, Bob(1904 –85): Birmingham klansman who murdered four
black girls in their church.
Chaney, James(1943– 64): CORE worker murdered by Mississippi klans-
men at the start of Freedom Summer.
Clark, James, Jr.(1922–2007): Dallas county sheriff whose violence swelled
the Selma demonstrations.
Clark, Kenneth(1914 –2005): Psychologist whose research on black child
development helped the NAACP to win the Browndesegregation case.
Clark, Septima (1898–1987): Highlander Folk School teacher and
Citizenship School organizer who trained many civil rights workers and
prepared unlettered rural blacks to vote.
Connor, Theophilus Engene ‘Bull’(1897–1973): Birmingham’s public safety
commissioner who ordered dogs, nightsticks, and pressure hoses against
civil rights demonstrators.
Douglass, Frederick(1817–1995): An ex-slave and abolitionist known as
the ‘father of the civil rights movement.’
Du Bois, W.E.B.(1868 –1963): Harvard-trained intellectual and NAACP co-
founder who believed that the black elite should lead the race in demanding
Durr, Virginia(1903–99): Alabama civil rights activist against Jim Crow and
the poll tax.
Eastland, James (1905– 86): Powerful Senate Judiciary chairman from
Mississippi who blocked civil rights legislation.
Eisenhower, Dwight (1890 –1969): US president who appointed Earl
Warren as Supreme Court chief justice and sent troops to integrate Central
High School, Little Rock, Arkansas.
Evers, Medgar(1925–63): Murdered Mississippi NAACP field secretary.
Farmer, James(1920 –99): CORE co-founder who pioneered the sit-in tech-
nique, organized the Freedom Ride, and pushed voter registration.
Faubus, Orval(1910 –94): Arkansas governor who blocked the Little Rock
Nine from Central High School.
Forman, James (1928 –2005): Former SNCC executive secretary who
demanded reparations for slavery.

Who’s Who xxiii

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