Discovery of the Americas, 1492-1800

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

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Charlotte Islands to Prince of Wales Island. On
his passage south Pérez sighted Mt. Olympus
in northern Washington, but, not having taken
possession of any land for Spain, his expedi-
tion was not regarded as much of a success.
Pérez went to sea again in March 1775
aboard the Santiago,this time under the com-
mand of Bruno Heceta. A second ship, the
Sonora,was commanded by Juan Francisco
de la Bodega y Quadra, who would play a
major role in the region’s history. The Spanish
goal was to reach 65° north and to investigate
rumors of a Russian presence. In early June,
they sighted northern California at a spot they
named Puerto de la Trinidad, now known as
Trinidad Bay. Declaring possession of the land
for Spain, the mariners paused to spend a
week with local Indians, who received the vis-
itors warmly. The next landing, farther up the

coast, was not as friendly. On July 13, near
present-day Grenville, Washington, seven of
Bodega’s men went ashore to get fresh water,
but were killed by hundreds of Indians who
ambushed the landing party. Beset with
scurvy and bad weather, Heceta favored turn-
ing back. The matter was decided when the
Santiagoand the Sonorawer e separated by a
stormat sea.
Heceta retreated south toward Monterey.
On August 17 his crew sighted what appeared
to be a large inland bay. Heceta tried to enter
it, but was driven back by a powerful outflow-
ing current from what was later recognized as
the mouth of the Columbia River. Heceta con-
tinued on to Monterey, trying to find relief for
his scurvy-ridden crew—too late for Juan
Pérez, who died along the way. Meanwhile,
Bodega y Quadra continued north as far as 58°

(^158) B Discovery of the Americas, 1492–1800
Originally published in a late 18th-century book about James Cook’s voyages, this engraving by John Webber,
who accompanied Cook on his third voyage, depicts the homes of the Nootka of Vancouver Island. (Library
of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division [LC-USZ62-102243])

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