Chronology of American Indian History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


payment appropriated to remove each Cherokee.
The payments are used to purchase the mountain
land that will later become the reservation of the
Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians.

January 24

Gold is discovered on Nisenan land.
James Marshall, an associate of Swiss settler John
A. Sutter, accidentally discovers gold while a saw-
mill is being constructed near a ranch and trading
center known as Sutter’s Fort. Sutter’s estate, which
was built by local Indian labor, is located near the
village of Culloma in the lands of the Nisenan In-
dians. To gain exclusive mineral rights to the area,

“The majority of tribes are kept
in constant fear on account of
the indiscriminate and inhuman
massacre of their people for
real or supposed injuries.... I
have seldom heard of a single
difficulty between the whites
and the Indians in which the
original cause could not read-
ily be traced to some rash or
reckless act of the former. In
some instances it has happened
that innocent Indians have
been shot down for imaginary
offenses which did not in fact
—Indian agent Adam Johnston on
miners’ treatment of Indians
during the California Gold Rush

Sutter negotiates an agreement with the Nisenan in
which they consent to lease to Sutter for three years
the land he occupies in exchange for food and some
manufactured items. Sutter forwards the agreement

to the military governor of California, who refuses
to approve it, maintaining that Indians have no
rights to their lands and therefore cannot enter into
lease agreements.
Sutter also fails in his efforts to keep his dis-
covery secret. Word of his gold find spreads quickly,
first in the West and then throughout the East,
sparking the California Gold Rush. Initially, Cali-
fornia Indians will be little affected by the influx
of miners, some of whom will employ Indian men
as prospectors. But as the trickle of whites seeking
riches grows into a flood, many California tribes
will lose their land and even face extinction.

February 2

The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ends the
The U.S.-Mexican War concludes with the sign-
ing of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. In the
document, Mexico agrees to cede to the United
States about half of its territory, including lands
in present-day California, Nevada, Utah, Colo-
rado, Wyoming, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas.
Without their consent, millions of Indians in the
ceded region are brought under the control of the
U.S. government. The treaty also includes a prom-
ise by the United States to punish any Indians who
cross the international boundary to raid Mexican
settlements. This provision will lead to extended
conflicts between U.S. troops and the Apache and


March 3

The Bureau of Indian Affairs becomes part
of the Department of the Interior.
Signaling a new emphasis in federal Indian policy,
Congress moves the Bureau of Indian Affairs from
the Department of War to the new Department
of the Interior. In the 1850s, the number of In-
dians in the United States will double with the
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