Chronology of American Indian History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
slaughter, the War Department gives Connor the
title of brigadier general.


Kit Carson’s troops battle the Mescalero
To stop the raids of Mescalero Apache, Brigadier
General James H. Carleton assigns former Indian
agent and trader Christopher “Kit” Carson to lead
a campaign against them. Exhausted by Carson’s
constant attacks, the Mescalero surrender and
agree to resettle on Bosque Redondo, an area in
what is now east-central New Mexico that Car-
leton has reserved as a place to confine renegade

Apache and Navajo (Dineh). (See also entry for


Union troops make a second expedition
into Indian Territory.
With the aid of pro-Union Indians, federal troops
invade Indian Territory from the north for a second
time (see entry for SUMMER 1862). They drive off
Confederate-allied Indians, who scatter to the south
and west. The invading army pushes through the
Cherokee and Creek Nations to the Canadian River
before the soldiers are called back East following the
Union’s decisive victory at Gettysburg.

The hanging of 38 Dakota Sioux convicted of participating in the Minnesota Uprising of 1862. The event was the
largest public execution in the history of the United States. (Library of Congress, USZ62-37940)

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