First Children Encyclopedia

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Your amazing body


Being human
Although we look different from
animals, our bodies are similar
on the inside. Our closest
animal relatives are

Water, water
Your body is mostly
water – it makes up
about two-thirds of
your weight.

No substitute

The human body is too

complicated for robots to

copy. Robots can copy the

way we walk, but they

can’t think or feel like we do.


Curiosity quiz

Take a look at the

pages in this section

and see if you can

find these pictures.

Chimps have
hands like ours.


Compared to chimps,
our bodies look almost

The ingredients

Your body is made of just

a few simple chemicals,

plus water.

Carbon is what diamonds
and coal are made of.
A fifth of you is carbon.

Iron makes your blood
red. You have enough to
make one small iron nail.

Phosphorus is in the
tips of matches, as well
as your bones and teeth.

Sodium and chlorine
make salt. Blood is one-
third as salty as sea water.

Potassium is used in
some types of soap. It’s
also in your body fluids.

Nitrogen is important in
muscles. It’s also the main
ingredient in air.
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