First Children Encyclopedia

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Organizing the body

The digestive system.^105

Breathing system: the
main organs are your
lungs, which take in air.

Hormone system: this
uses powerful chemicals to
control your body and mood.

Skin, hair, and nails:
these form your body’s
protective covering.

Immune system: this
seeks and destroys germs
that get into your body.

Urinary system: this
cleans blood and gets
rid of waste chemicals.

Reproductive system:
these are the organs that
make babies.

Other systems

Some of your other

important systems

are shown in this list.


Your muscle system is made

of tissues that move parts

of your body by pulling

on them or squeezing

them. Your biggest

muscles all pull

on bones.

Your fingers
are moved by
muscles in
your arm.

A long, twisting tube
makes up your
intestines, where
digested food is

Your brain is the
nervous system’s
control centre.

Your mouth is the first
part of the digestive

Your nervous system carries
electrical signals around
your body. You need
this system to see,
hear, think,
and react.

Senses, such as
touch, rely on
nerve cells that
send signals to
your brain.

Muscles change
the position of your
skeleton by pulling
different bones.

Signals shoot
along nerves to
telling them
when to pull.

Digestive system
Your digestive
organs break
down food to
provide your
body with energy
and raw materials.

Bones and
joints make
up the skeletal
system, an
inner frame
that supports
the body.

The most powerful
muscles are
in your legs.

A quarter of
your bones are
in your feet.

Your mouth is the first
part of the digestive
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