First Children Encyclopedia

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

What is another name for the uterus?

Human body


The first cells
After 36 hours, the cell has
divided and made an exact
copy of itself. These are the
first two cells of a baby.

Making a baby

Eggs are the biggest cells in
the human body. But they
are still very small – ten
would fit across a pinhead.

Sperm race

Millions of sperm swim towards

the egg cell. Only one sperm can

join with the egg to make a new cell.

By the time the

baby is born,

the fertilized cell

will have become

100 trillion cells.

Sperm are amazing
viewed under a microscope.
They look like tiny tadpoles. You
can see their tails wriggling as
they swim.

You need a mother and a father to

make a baby. The mother’s body does

most of the work, but the father also

has an important job – his sperm joins

with the mother’s egg and a new

life begins...

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