First Children Encyclopedia

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Sugar is produced from
sugar cane, a giant
tropical grass.

Maize is used for all
sorts of food products,
including tortillas.

Wheat is used for flour
to make bread and cakes,
and for pasta.

Texas bluebonnet

Grassland trees often
have flat bottoms, where
animals have grazed.

A sea of grass

The grass we eat

Grass doesn’t just provide

food for animals, it

provides food for us. In

fact, most people’s main

food comes from grasses.

Rice is a major food in
Asia, and is eaten around
the world.

Rye is mixed with wheat
to make a heavy flour
that is used for bread.

Spring flowers
While tropical
grasslands burst
into life in the
rainy season,
northern grasslands
burst to life in the
spring. The fields
often contain
colourful flowers.

Acacia tree

Grass attack

Walk through grass and

you may find seeds

clinging to your clothes.

Some seeds cling on

with tiny hooks that

work like Velcro.


Baobab trees

In Africa, the baobab

tree survives the blistering

heat of the dry season by

swelling and storing water

in its trunk.

Goosegrass seed

Some of them have been growing there for 3,000 years.^165

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