First Children Encyclopedia

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

The Nile, in Africa, at 6,695 km (4,160 miles).^177

Got it!

Many birds

make a slow-

moving river their

hunting ground,

snatching small fish

from the water. The

kingfisher is a colourful

inhabitant of many

European rivers.

The flowing current

Changing the landscape

Over millions of years, rivers cut channels in

the earth. A notable example of this is the

Colorado River and the Grand Canyon.

The fish is held
in the bird’s
dagger-like beak.

The kingfisher
will dive to about
25 cm (10 in) to
grab a fish.

Against the flow
Swift-flowing water
captures oxygen, helping
fish to breathe. Chinook salmon
swim against the current heading
for their spawning grounds. It’s a
dangerous journey.

A brown bear is
drawn to the river
by the presence
of salmon.

The Colorado

Brown bear
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