First Children Encyclopedia

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Lake Superior in North America.

Still waters

Life on the edge
Bulrushes and reeds often
form a thick bed at a
lake’s edge. Known
as emergents, they
grow up from the lake
floor and out into the air.

Is it a lake?

Lakes form in hollows, but not all are

natural. A reservoir is a man-

made lake, formed by a dam.

Attacks from above
Ospreys are found on all
continents except Antarctica.
They will nest near a lake
or river, and swoop down to
pluck fish from the water.

The ambush specialist

Pike are adept at ambushing their

prey, lying in wait and nabbing

passing frogs, fish, and insects.

A bulrush’s
flowers bloom
on spikes and
attract insects.

Ospreys are large birds of
prey, reaching 1.7 m (5.5 ft)
wingtip to wingtip.

Don’t mess with me!

The fearsome looking alligator

snapping turtle is the world’s

largest freshwater turtle. Some have

weighed in at more than
100 kg (220 lbs).

Dragonflies are
frequently seen on the
plants at a lake’s edge.

A slice of history
The common loon’s ancestors lived on
Earth some 65 million years ago. This
red-eyed bird can dive to an incredible
27 m (90 ft) in search of food.

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