First Children Encyclopedia

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1



A battery.

Circuits of power

An electric circuit is a loop that electricity

can travel around. An electric current

moves through the wires in this circuit,

and lights up the bulb. Electrical cables

Electrical cables are made of
metal and plastic. Electricity
flows through the metal (which is
called a conductor). The plastic
(which is called an insulator)
stops electricity escaping.

High voltage

Electricity can be very

dangerous. This triangle

is an international

warning symbol. It

means “Caution: risk

of electric shock”.

Lightning strikes

When electricity builds

up in one place it is

called static electricity.

A bolt of lightning is

a huge spark of static

electricity in the sky.

Food battery
Food that contains water and weak
acid will conduct electricity. In a food
battery, a chemical reaction between
the metal and the acid in the food
creates an electric current.

Rub a party balloon up and
down on your clothes. The
balloon will now stick to the
wall. This is because rubbing
it gives the balloon an
electric charge.

Hands^ on

Circuits usually include an
energy source (battery)
and load (lamp).
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