First Children Encyclopedia

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Water is constantly on the move,

between oceans, land, air, and rivers.

This movement is called the water cycle.

The water cycle

What is electricity generated by running water called?



The water cycle is the

journey water makes as it

moves from the air to the land,

into the seas, and back into

the air again.

On the dry side
Moisture-laden sea air has to rise
when it hits a coastal mountain.
Since air cools as it rises, all
the moisture condenses into
rain. So, on the other side of the
mountain, no rain falls – this
area is called a rainshadow.

Water falls
as rain from

When rain
falls, it collects
in rivers and

Water heated
by the Sun
evaporates. It
changes from
liquid to vapour.

When this water
vapour floats high in
the sky, it condenses
and forms clouds.

Water from rivers
and streams flows
into the sea.




Planet Earth

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