First Children Encyclopedia

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Evaporation The changing of

a liquid to a gas.

Evergreen A plant that has

leaves on it throughout the year.

Extinct An animal or plant that

has completely disappeared from

our world.

Fault A place where the Earth’s

crust has cracked and moved.

Fertilization The joining of a

male cell and a female cell to start

growing a baby OR improving soil

by adding nutrients to it.

Fossil The remains of a plant

or animal that has died and been

preserved in rock.

Fossil fuels A fuel such as

coal, oil, or natural gas that

was formed underground millions

of years ago from the remains of

dead plants and animals.

Friction A force that makes

things slow down. When two solids

rub against each other, or when a

solid moves through liquid or gas,

it causes friction.

Galaxy A large rotating system
of stars, gas, dust, and empty
space held together by gravity.

Gene Part of your DNA, genes
contain chemical information
that controls the way your body
develops and works. Genes pass
from parents to their children.

Germ Tiny living thing (micro-
organisms) found everywhere
including inside our bodies.
Bacteria are germs. Some germs
are good, but some are bad and
make us ill.

Geyser A naturally occurring
hot spring, where occasionally
the water boils and shoots up
in a big spurt.

Glacier A huge river of ice.

Gladiator In Roman times, a
man trained to fight other men or
wild animals in an arena while
others watched.

Gravity The attraction between
everything in the universe. Gravity
makes the moon rotate around the
Earth, and the Earth and other
planets rotate around the Sun.

Habitat The natural home of
an animal or plant.

Herbivore An animal that
eats mainly plants. Giraffes
are herbivores.

Hibernation When animals
rest through the winter. They
normally find somewhere warm
and dry and sleep throughout the
cold season.

Hieroglyphics An ancient
Egyptian method of writing that
uses symbols.

Hydrosphere All the water
on the Earth’s surface, including
ice, and water vapour in the

Immune system The cells and
tissues in your body that protect
it from infection. If you do get an
illness, your immune system often
creates special defences so you
don’t get the same illness again.

Inertia The tendency
everything has to avoid
movement or change.

Infrared radiation Heat
energy that is given off by all
solids, liquids, and gases.


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