First Children Encyclopedia

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Writing and printing

A style of letters... ... used in printing.^67

Printing books

At first, books were written out by hand. This

took a long time and was very costly. Printing

presses, like the one

shown here, were first

used about 600 years

ago. Printing books

by machine was

much quicker

and cheaper.

The different parts
of the machine were
worked by hand.

Printing the news

The first, hand-written newspapers

date from Roman times.

They told people about battles

and gladiator contests. Today,

giant rotary presses are used

to print millions of

books, newspapers,

and magazines

every day.

T h i s m a c h i n e s o r t s p r i n t e d


an expert

84-85 Ancient

90-91 The Vikings

Every day, newspapers tell us
what is happening in the world.

One rotary press
can print more
than 75,000
in one hour.

An old wooden
printing press

s h e e t s i n t o n e w s p a p e r s.

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