Cracking The SAT Premium

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1



In the previous two chapters, we saw most of the concepts that will be tested on the Writing and Language
Test. In this chapter, we’re not going to learn a lot of new stuff in the way of grammar. Instead, we’ll look
at some of the questions you’ll see in this section.

As we’ve seen, a lot of the questions on the Writing and Language Test aren’t questions at all. They’re just
lists of answer choices, and we start the process of answering them by asking a question of our own:
“What’s changing in the answer choices?”

Because you need to move quickly through this test, you may fall into the habit of not checking for
questions. Even when you do read the questions, you may read them hastily or vaguely. Well, we are here
to tell you that neither of these approaches will work.

The most    important   thing   about   Writing and Language    questions   is  that    you notice  those   questions
and then answer those questions.

This may seem like just about the most obvious advice you’ve ever been given, but you’d be surprised
how much less precise your brain is when you’re working quickly.

Here’s an example. Do these next 10 questions as quickly as you can.

  1. 2 + 1 =

  2. 1 + 2 =

  3. 3 + 1 =

  4. 3 + 2 ≠

  5. 1 + 2 =

  6. 2 – 1 <

  7. 2 ± 2 =

  8. 3 + 1 =

  9. 3 + 2 =

  10. 3 + 3 ≠

Now check your answers.

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