Cracking The SAT Premium

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
adds    the phrase  to  outside observers,  which   is  neither necessary   nor concise.    Thus,   (C) is  the
most concise option and is the correct answer.

8. D This    question    asks    whether     a   statement   about   the     author’s    personal    favorite    zombie  movie
should be included in the paragraph. The essay is about the overall trends and changes
regarding movie genres, not someone’s personal preferences. Because it is not consistent with
the topic of the passage, do not add the sentence. Eliminate (A) and (B). The reason for not
adding the sentence is not related to the choice of movie but, rather, to the unrelated focus on
personal preference. The correct answer is (D).

9. B Here   you’re  looking for the option  that    is  least   acceptable  when    used    in  place   of  viewed  in  the
phrase viewed as a mass. Taken, seen, and regarded would all have a meaning consistent with
the intended meaning in the sentence. Espied, while related to the verbs view and see, has a
different meaning. Espy means “to spot” or “to catch sight of” something, which is not
consistent with the meaning of the other verbs here. Eliminate (A), (C), and (D). Choice (B) is
the correct answer.

  1. C The question asks if robust should be changed to healthy to describe online personalities. The
    sentence describes the excitement of online personalities as the reason people feel real life is
    dull. Healthy would not make the same point, and the meaning would not be consistent with the
    rest of the paragraph. Keep robust. Eliminate (A) and (B). The reason for keeping the original
    word has nothing to do with the level of difficulty of the vocabulary, just the consistent meaning
    of the passage. Eliminate (D). Choice (C) is correct.

11. D This  questions   asks    about   the placement   of  the paragraph,  which   discusses   how contemporary
conflicts of the 1990s and 2000s relate to the popularity of particular genres. This is similar to
paragraph 3, which discusses how the American crusade related to the popularity of Westerns
in the 1920s. Therefore, paragraph 5 should be placed after paragraph 3. Choice (D) is the
correct answer.
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