Cracking The SAT Premium

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Gee,    ETS Must    Really  Like    Me
Why else would it let you use a calculator on one section? A calculator can be an obstacle at times.
ETS has designed the test in the hopes of assessing your “appropriate use of tools,” and it freely
admits that a calculator can slow you down on some of the questions. So, by all means, use that
calculator if you need it to avoid making careless errors, but don’t forget that using your brain and
pencil can be a faster way to get to the right answer.

Many students already own a graphing calculator. If you have one, great; if you don’t, don’t sweat it.
Graphing calculators are not necessary on the SAT. However, if you have one, it may simplify certain
graphing problems on the SAT.

If you do decide to use a graphing calculator, keep in mind that it cannot have a QWERTY-style keyboard
(like the TI-95). Most of the graphing calculators have typing capabilities, but because they don’t have
typewriter-style keyboards, they are perfectly legal.

Also, you cannot use the calculator on your phone. In fact, on test day, you will have to turn your phone
off and put it underneath your seat.

The only danger in using a calculator on the SAT is that you may be tempted to use it in situations in which
it won’t help you. The average student thinks using his or her calculator will solve many difficulties he or
she has with math. It won’t.

This type of thinking may even occasionally cause students to miss a problem they might have otherwise
answered correctly on their own. Remember: Your calculator is only as smart as you are. But if you
practice and use a little caution, you will find that your calculator will help you a great deal.

What a Calculator Is Good at Doing

Here is a complete list of what a calculator is good at on the SAT.

  • arithmetic

  • decimals

  • fractions

  • square roots

  • percentages

  • graphs (if it is a graphing calculator)

We’ll discuss the calculator’s role in most of these areas in the next few chapters.

Calculator Arithmetic

Adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing integers and decimals is easy on a calculator. But, you need
to be careful when you key in the numbers. A calculator will only give you an incorrect answer to an
arithmetic calculation if you press the wrong keys.

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