Cracking The SAT Premium

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

from decimals. (For instance, on the TI-81, TI-83, and TI-84, hitting “Math” and then selecting the first
option, “Answer → Fraction,” will give you the last answer calculated as a fraction in the lowest terms.)
Find out if your calculator has this function! If it does, you can use it to simplify messy fractions on the
Calculator section. This function is also very useful when you get an answer as a decimal, but the answer
choices given are all fractions. For the No Calculator section, you will have to be able to do these things
by hand, so practice these skills in the next chapter. (For Grid-In questions, it is not necessary to reduce a
fraction to its simplest form if it fits in the grid, and the decimal equivalent will also be accepted as a
correct answer.)


Change the batteries on your calculator a week before the SAT so that you know your calculator won’t run
out of power halfway through the test. You can also bring extra batteries with you, just in case. Although it
isn’t very likely that the batteries will run out on your calculator on the day of the test, it could happen—
so you want to be prepared.


Remember that the test writers are trying to test your ability to use your calculator wisely. They know you
have one. They also know that they have created many questions in which the calculator is worthless
(there are questions that are so wordy and deceptive that reading carefully is a much more important skill
than properly using a calculator). So be sure to Read the Full Question—there may be some serious
surprises in there. Finally, use your calculator wisely, and remember that on one section, you won’t be
able to use it at all. Practice your math skills so you can solve questions with or without your calculator.

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