Cracking The SAT Premium

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
A Final Word About Fractions and Calculators

Throughout this section, we’ve given you some hints about your calculator and fractions. Of course, you
still need to understand how to work with fractions the old-fashioned way for the No Calculator section.
On the section in which its use is allowed, your calculator can be a tremendous help if you know how to
use it properly. Make sure that you practice with your calculator so that working with fractions on it
becomes second nature before the test.

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Work these problems with the techniques you’ve read about in this chapter so far. Then check your
answers by solving them with your calculator. If you have any problems, go back and review the
information just outlined. Answers can be found on this page.

1. Reduce   .

2. Convert  6   to  a   fraction.

3. =

4. =
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