Cracking The SAT Premium

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
5. =




A Decimal Is Just Another Way of Expressing a Fraction

Fractions can be expressed as decimals. To find a fraction’s decimal equivalent, simply divide the top by
the bottom. (You can do this easily with your calculator.)


3 ÷ 5 = 0.6

Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying, and Dividing Decimals

Manipulating decimals is easy with a calculator. Simply punch in the numbers—being especially careful
to get the decimal point in the right place every single time—and read the result from the display. A
calculator makes these operations easy. In fact, working with decimals is one area on the SAT where your
calculator will prevent you from making careless errors. You won’t have to line up decimal points or
remember what happens when you divide. The calculator will keep track of everything for you, as long as
you punch in the correct numbers to begin with. Just be sure to practice carefully before test day.

What can you do when the math decimals get ugly on the No Calculator section? Never fear—you can still
answer these questions. Just round the awkward numbers to ones that are easier to work with. As long as
you aren’t rounding things too far, like rounding 33 to 50, the answers are likely to be spread far enough
apart that only one or maybe two will be close to your estimated answer.


Calculate each of the answers to the following questions on paper with your pencil, rounding any
awkward numbers to make the math easier to handle. Then check your answers with your calculator.
Answers can be found on this page.

1. 0.43 ×   0.87    =
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