◦ When you don’t know the right answer to a multiple-choice question, look for wrong answers
instead. They’re usually easier to find.
◦ When you find a wrong answer choice, eliminate it. In other words, use POE, the Process of
◦ There’s no more guessing penalty on the SAT, so there’s no reason NOT to guess.
◦ There’s bound to be at least a few questions you simply don’t get to or where you’re finding it
difficult to eliminate even one answer choice. When this happens, use the LOTD (letter of the day)
◦ Pace yourself. Remember: You’re not scored on how many questions you answer, but on how many
questions you answer correctly. Take it slow and steady.
◦ Make the test your own. When you can work the test to suit your strengths (and use our strategies to
overcome any weaknesses), you’ll be on your way to a higher score.