Cracking The SAT Premium

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

These are the questions for the passage. We’ve removed the answer choices because, for now, we just
want you to see the different question types the SAT will ask. Don’t worry about answering these here;
we’ll walk you through some of them in the rest of this chapter.

11.The  central claim   of  the passage is  that

12.The  author  most    likely  mentions    the Canadian    scientist   (line   22) and the Utah    resident    (line
26) in order to

13.The  author’s    statement   that    the “country    moved   on  to  building    backyard    fallout shelters”
(lines 31-32) implies that Americans

14.As   used    in  line    41, “common”    most    nearly  means

15.The  passage indicates   that    an  effect  of  aggregating events  is

16.According    to  the passage,    what    percent of  cars    in  Washington  suffered    damage?

17.Which    choice  provides    the best    evidence    for the answer  to  the previous    question?

18.The  author  most    likely  mentions    War of  the Worlds  in  line    73  in  order   to

19.The  quotation   marks   around  the word    “hysteria”  in  line    94  most    likely  indicate

20.Based    on  the passage,    the author  most    likely  agrees  that    “pitting”   is

21.Which    choice  provides    the best    evidence    for the answer  to  the previous    question?
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