Cracking The SAT Premium

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


12. D Because   this    is  a   general question    followed    by  a   “best   evidence”   question,   Parallel    POE lets
you use the answer choices for the next question to help with this one. Remember: You can look
at the lines given in the “best evidence” question to see if they support any of these answer
choices. None of the choices for the next question seem to support (A), so you can eliminate
(A). Choice (B) might initially seem to be supported by (B) from the next question, so keep that
pair. Choice (C) might have a connection with (D) from the next question, as it mentions
matters of expense, so keep that pair as well. Choice (D) is supported by (C) from the next
question. Now consider your remaining pairs. The passage discusses the evils of the
employment of pauper nurses, and that in no case should they be left with the sole charge and
responsibility of sick [patients], as they continually are at present; the passage is primarily
concerned with describing a system that needs to be changed. The passage is not criticizing a
social group or focusing specifically on financial matters. This leaves (D) as the correct
answer, automatically making (C) the correct answer for the “best evidence” question.

13. C Because   this    is  a   “best   evidence”   question    following   a   general question,   Parallel    POE lets    you
use the answer choices for this question to help with the previous one. Remember: You can look
at the lines given in the “best evidence” question to see if they support any of the answer
choices for the previous question. Choice (A) does not support any of the answer choices from
the previous question, so you can eliminate (A). Choice (B) in this question seems to support
(B) in the previous question, since the lines refer to a woman who’s proud of being in jail, so
keep that pair. Choice (C) in this question supports (D) in the previous question, as the lines
show a problem that clearly needs to be changed. Choice (D) in this question seems to support
(C) from the previous question, as it mentions matters of expense and finances of a system.
Now you’re down to three pairs, so go back to the question, which asks about the primary
purpose of the passage. The passage discusses the evils of the employment of pauper nurses,
and that in no case should they be left with the sole charge and responsibility of sick
[patients], as they continually are at present, the passage is primarily concerned with
describing a system that needs to be changed. The passage does not criticize a social group or
focus specifically on financial matters. This leaves (D) as the correct answer to question 12,
automatically making (C) the right answer for this “best evidence” question.

14. A Careful    reading     is  necessary   in  order   to  dissect     the     context     of  the     word   maintained   in  the
passage. The passage draws a contrast between pauper and efficient nurses. Those refers to
pauper nurses, since in no case should they be left with the sole charge...of sick [people],
which the passage indicates immediately after referring to the evils of the employment of
pauper nurses. Since a pauper is “one who relies on charity,” pauper nurses can be inferred to
rely on charity. Thus, since these pauper nurses must be maintained at the cost of the parish,
maintained can be inferred to mean at least “given assistance with basic needs.” Choice (A) is
correct because it matches the predicted answer. Choice (B) is a secondary meaning of
maintained, but it does not match the predicted answer; eliminate it. Choice (C) is tempting, as
the passage discusses nurses, but it’s still incorrect because it does not match the predicted
answer. Choice (D) also doesn’t match the predicted answer, so eliminate (D).
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