Cracking The SAT Premium

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
pine    wood    behind  my  house). Choice  (A) is  incorrect   because the narrator    is  not in  the city.
Choice (C) is incorrect because there is no evidence that the author was a sailor. Choice (D) is
also incorrect: Although the author does discuss thoughts in the third paragraph, it is not the
main subject of the passage. Therefore, (B) is the correct answer.

  1. B Because this is a general paired question, you can use the answer choices in the next question to
    help with this question. Remember, the correct answer for question 3 must support the correct
    answer for this question. Use the choices from question 3 to see which of these answer choices
    you can keep or eliminate. Choice (A) in question 3 might initially seem to support (C) for this
    question, so connect those two answer choices. Choice (B) in question 3 can connect to (A)
    here, so draw that line. Choice (C) in question 3 does not support any of the choices in this
    question, so you can eliminate (C). Choice (D) in question 3 supports (B) in this question.
    Because this question’s (D) had no support from question 3, you can eliminate (D). Now go
    back and reread the question to make further POE decisions. The 2(A)-3(B) set does not
    address the author’s enjoyment of living near the pond, so eliminate it. The 2(C)-3(A) pair does
    not answer the question, so eliminate that one as well. The remaining set of 2(B) and 3(D)
    answers the question, so those are your correct answers.

  2. D When solving general paired questions, match the line references to the answer choices
    available in the previous question. In this case, there are several possible matches. Choice (A)
    in this question seems to relate to (C) in question 2, but on further inspection, this line reference
    does not support this choice in a way that answers the previous question, so it can be
    eliminated. Choice (B) seems to relate to question 2’s (A), but it does not address the author’s
    enjoyment of living near the pond, so eliminate it. Choice (C) refers to the food that the author
    prepares but does not support the reference in question 2’s (D) and is therefore incorrect.
    Choice (D) does support question 2’s (B) and is the correct answer.

  3. B The author notes that if there are more than three people in the room, they economized the space
    by standing, showing that they were making the most of the room available by using a method
    that allows more people to exist in the same amount of space. He further notes, I have had
    twenty-five or thirty souls, with their bodies, at once under my roof, and yet we often parted
    without being aware that we had come very near to one another. This again shows that there
    were many people in a small space. Choices (A), (C), and (D) do not match the prediction and
    can be eliminated, making (B) correct.

  4. D The author says that big thoughts must have room to move around before being heard. He says
    that he enjoys talking across the pond because there is enough room for thoughts to be heard.
    There is no evidence in the passage that the big thoughts need to be violent, so eliminate (A).
    Eliminate (B) because the author does not state that big thoughts need to break out of the
    receiver’s head, only that they could if they are not given enough time to develop. Choice (C) is
    incorrect because it is not supported by the text; the author is not literally saying that thoughts
    need more time to reach the hearer. Choice (D) matches the text most closely and is the correct

  5. B The phrase in the question is used to provide a common experience by which the author can
    give more detail to his explanation of what happens when speaking inside his house. Words do

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