Cracking The SAT Premium

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


◦ The   Writing and Language    Test    on  the SAT is  35  minutes long    and contains    44  questions.

◦ Many  of  the “questions” on  the W   &   L   Test    aren’t  exactly questions;  instead,    you’ll  be  presented
with a series of passages with different portions of it underlined, and you need to determine whether
the underlined portion is correct or if it should be replaced with one of the given choices.

◦ Check  what’s  changing    in  the     answer  choices.    The     answer  choices     not     only    tell    you     what    a
particular question is testing, but also reveal mistakes that you might not have otherwise seen.

◦ Use   POE to  get rid of  the incorrect   answers.    If  you can’t   eliminate   three   choices,    pick    the shortest
one that is most consistent with the rest of the sentence.
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