AP Physics C 2017

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1.      Follow  the directions.

    Sounds simple, doesn’t it? When the test says, “Draw a diagram,” it means they want you to draw a
    diagram. And when it says, “Label your diagram,” it means they want you to label your diagram. You
    will likely earn points just for these simple steps.

Exam tip from an AP Physics veteran:

On  the 1999    AP  test,   I   forgot  to  label   point   B on    a   diagram,    even    though  I   obviously   knew    where   point
B was. This little mistake cost me several points!
—Zack, college senior and engineer

  1.      Use as  few words   as  possible.

    Answer the question, then stop. You can lose credit for an incorrect statement, even if the other 15
    statements in your answer are correct. The best idea is to keep it simple.

  2. There is no single correct answer.
    Most of the lab questions are open-ended. There might be four or more different correct approaches.
    So don’t try to “give them the answer they’re looking for.” Just do something that seems to make sense
    —you might well be right!

  3. Don’t assume you have to use all the stuff they give you.
    It might sound fun to use a force probe while determining the time constant of an RC circuit, but
    really! A force probe!?!

  4. Don’t over-think the question.
    They’re normally not too complicated. Remember, you’re supposed to take only 15 minutes to write
    your answer. You’re not exactly designing a subatomic particle accelerator.

  5. Don’t state the obvious.
    You may assume that basic lab protocols will be followed. So there’s no need to tell the reader that
    you recorded your data carefully, nor do you need to remind the reader to wear safety goggles.

Now Put It All Together

Here are two possible answers to the sample question. Look how explicit we were about what quantities

are measured, how each quantity is measured, and how μ (^) k is determined. We aren’t artistes , so our
diagram doesn’t look so good. But for the AP exam, we believe in substance over style. All the necessary
components are there, and that’s all that matters.

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