Math & Science ACT Workuot

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. The emergent layer is primarily composed of small leaves that cover a wide area, while the understory layer is primarily composed of
    broad leaves that cover a small area. This difference is most likely because the average precipitation at heights of:

A. 0    to  30  m   above   the rainforest  floor   is  above   2.00    mm/km^2 /yr,    whereas the average precipitation   at  heights of  30–45   m   above   the
rainforest floor is below 0.33 mm/km^2 /yr.
B. 0 to 30 m above the rainforest floor is above 2.00 mm/km^2 /yr, whereas the average precipitation at heights of 45–55 m above the
rainforest floor is below 0.33 mm/km^2 /yr.
C. 0 to 30 m above the rainforest floor is below 0.33 mm/km^2 /yr, whereas the average precipitation at heights of 30–45 m above the
rainforest floor is above 2.00 mm/km^2 /yr.
D. 0 to 30 m above the rainforest floor is below 2.00 mm/km^2 /yr, whereas the average precipitation at heights of 45–55 m above the
rainforest floor is above 1.33 mm/km^2 /yr.
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