Math & Science ACT Workuot

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


When you look at topic breakdown for the ACT, what is it about “Pre-algebra” that sounds so much easier

than “Intermediate” or even “Elementary Algebra”? Well, for one thing, with Algebra inevitably come

variables. You probably remember first hearing about these things in sixth or seventh grade and thinking

to yourself how much easier life was when math was just plain numbers.

Here’s the good news. Many of the algebra problems on the ACT, even the most complex, can be solved

with what we like to call Plugging In. What Plugging In enables you to do is to solve difficult variable

problems using basic arithmetic.

First, you’ll need to identify whether you can Plug In.

Plug    It  In
A content-based approach
to math questions isn’t
always necessary!
Simply “Plug In” to find the
correct answer.

Plug In when

  • there are variables in the answer choices

  • there are variables in the question

  • the question is dealing with fractions, percents, or other relational numbers

Here’s How to Crack It

Plugging In works with both Word Problems and Plug and Chug questions. Question 43 may look like it

requires a “content-based” approach, but let’s see how much easier it is if we Plug In.

First, let’s Plug In a number for the variable. The best numbers to Plug In are usually small and easy to

deal with: numbers such as 2, 5, and 10. Let’s try 2 in this problem. If x = 2,
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