Math & Science ACT Workuot

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
starting with (H). If she has 24 miles left, then she’s halfway there—that’s not far enough

along, so eliminate (H) and any answer with higher mileage. Plug in (G). If she’s got 12

miles left to go, that means 48 − 12 = 36, meaning she’s driven 36 miles so far. Since the

ratio of 36:12 is 3:1, (G) is your answer.

23 . B This question is best approached through PITA. Since all of the answer choices are integers,

start with the one in the middle, (C). If z = 11, then = 11 . Multiply both sides by 2

and solve to determine that w = 23. If you put these two values into the left-hand side of the

second equation provided in the question stem, you get = = 17. This is too big,

so eliminate (C) and test (B). If z = 7, then = 7. Multiply both sides by 2 and solve to

determine that w = 15. If you put these two values into the left-hand side of the second

equation provided in the question stem, you get = = 11. This matches the

information in the question stem, and thus (B) is correct.

24 . K Plug In a small number for the number of sales he’s completed so the math is as easy as

possible. If he completed 2 sales, then he’s made $250 commission to go with his $600 base

salary, for total earnings of $850. Choice (K) gets you the same value.

27 . A Play it safe and Plug In 2. (2^2 − 6(2) + 5)(2 + 4) means (4 − 12 + 5)(6), which gives you −18

as a target answer. Choice (A) will read 2^3 − 2(2)^2 − 19(2) + 20. Simplified, 8 − 8 − 38 + 20

= −18.

30 . H This question is best approached through PITA. The answer choices are all different

combinations of three numbers: 2, −2, and 0. So these numbers need to be plugged in. If n =

−2, then the left-hand side of the equation is |2(−2) + 6| = |−4 + 6| = |2| = 2. If n = −2, then the

right-hand side of the equation is |3( −2) + 4| = |−6 + 4| = |−2| = 2. This works, so any answer

choice that does not have n = −2 as a solution can be eliminated; cross off (F) and (J). Now

try the other solution from (H): if n = 2, then the left-hand side of the equation is |2(2) + 6| =

|4 + 6| = |10| = 10. If n = 2, then the right-hand side of the equation is |3(2) + 4| = |6 + 4| = |10|

= 10. This also works, so (H) is the correct answer.
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