Math & Science ACT Workuot

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Rhombus: Opposite sides parallel, ALL sides equal, opposite angles equal A rhombus is a

parallelogram in which all four sides are equal.

Rectangle: Opposite sides parallel, opposite sides equal, ALL angles 90° A rectangle is a

parallelogram with four right angles.

Square: Opposite sides parallel, ALL sides equal, ALL angles 90° A square is a type of

parallelogram, rhombus, and rectangle.

For any of these four shapes:

Area: A = bh, where b and h are perpendicular

Perimeter: P = the sum of all sides

Coordinate Geometry Formulas

All points are written (x,y), where x gives the x-coordinate and y gives the y-coordinate.

Two lines intersect when they meet at a single point.


where (x 1 ,y 1 ) and (x 2 ,y 2 ) are two points on a line.

Slope-intercept formula: y = mx + b

where (x,y) is a point on the line, m is the slope, and b is the y-intercept, or the point at which the line

crosses the y-axis.

Use the slope-intercept form when a question asks for the slope of a perpendicular line. The slope of a

line perpendicular to it will be the opposite reciprocal or . That is, if slope of a line is 2, the slope of

a perpendicular will be −.

Parallel lines have equal slopes.


Plane Geometry

Let’s use these formulas and the Basic Approach to solve some problems.
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