Math & Science ACT Workuot

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. A circle has a diameter of 8 inches. What is the area of the circle, to the nearest 0.1 square inch?

F.      12.6
G. 25.1
H. 50.3
J. 64.0
K. 201.1

Here’s How to Crack It

Remember the Basic Approach. There’s no figure, so draw your own. Once you’ve done that, mark it up

with information from the problem, and get all your formulas down. Think CArd!

Your paper should look something like this:

Write   It  Down!
If there’s no figure
given to you, draw your
own. This will allow you
to better grasp what
the question is asking
and make sense of the
provided information. See
the figure to the right for
an example.

Now work the formulas to get the answer. We know that the diameter of this circle is 8, which means its

radius is 4. Use the radius in the Area formula, and use your calculator to find this Area:

A = πr^2

A = π(4)^2
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